
The world’s tallest tree! Reaching heights greater than 365 feet, the magnificent Coast Redwood is not only the planet’s tallest tree, but also one of its longest-lived, with life-spans of more than 2,000 years. Fossil records also indicate that the species is among the most ancient of trees; its lineage dating back 160 million years. At maturity, typical Coast Redwoods tower 175 to 300 feet, and have massive trunks 8 to 20 feet in diameter with deeply furrowed, reddish-brown bark. Only 5% of America’s ancient Redwoods remain, most under State and Federal protection. Now is a great time to plant a Coast Redwood!

// Nursery Note //

Fall and winter are seasons of “dormancy” for most trees in most places, and, as a result, even so-called evergreen trees display a distinct change of color during these seasons. Our trees are no exception. If the trees appear bronze, reddish, or brown-tipped, don’t worry! Be assured, they are absolutely healthy. Bronzing reflects a normal, natural, seasonal color fluctuation — so take the opportunity to educate your customers, and enjoy the colorful trees of winter!