
The world’s largest living thing! Giant Sequoias are native to California’s Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, where proud giants such as the General Sherman and General Grant trees have wowed National Park visitors for years. Giant Sequoias are hardy enough to grow well in virtually any climate, and are loved and cultivated throughout the world. This truly majestic species, the most massive of all trees, can live thousands of years and attain monumental size — up to 300 feet tall with trunks almost 40 feet in diameter.

// Nursery Notes //

  • Please note that we’re on the front end of this crop, which means our trees are a little smaller than the last batch — for now! Rest assured these are healthy trees with healthy roots, ready to put on a bunch of beautiful new growth as we head into the growing season.

  • Fall and winter are seasons of “dormancy” for most trees in most places, and, as a result, even so-called evergreen trees display a distinct change of color during these seasons. Our trees are no exception. If the trees appear bronze, reddish, or brown-tipped, don’t worry! Be assured, they are absolutely healthy. Bronzing reflects a normal, natural, seasonal color fluctuation — so take the opportunity to educate your customers, and enjoy the colorful trees of winter!